A Solution To Anxiety And Depression?
Decades of Brain research may have yielded an answer for why emotions are so hard to manage for some. It has to do with the Alpha waves in our brains.
Alpha waves are one of 4 main brainwaves that exist in every person. They are responsible for regulating our emotional state. Too much alpha can create an overload in the brain, resulting in excess stress, worry or fear. Conversely, too little alpha can slow down the brain’s ability to react to external stimuli, resulting in a lack of desire or ambition. This can result in depression or even suicidal thoughts. So how can one correct these alpha waves? The answer: Chicago Neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback: A Modern Solution for Anxiety and Emotional Imbalance
Neurofeedback is a modern computer based technology that can directly target alpha waves and bring them back in balance. These sessions gradually restore healthy brainwaves, which can reduce or eliminate symptoms. The process is safe, non-invasive, drug free and sessions are enjoyable.
If you live in the Chicagoland area and are looking for a permanent solution that uses no medications, neurofeedback therapy may be right for you. A brain scan can help determine any issues that may be going on in the brain. Call us now at the number below or use the contact form below.